The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 53: Iori Fuyusaka 4

Chapter 53: Iori Fuyusaka 4

Music: Bright Days Ahead (Azusa Chiba)

So, this scene is going to be incredibly annoying for me to transcribe because of the way it’s structured. Basically, Miwako and Tomi have a running conversation that Iori can interject into at certain points. After that plays out, the conversation will return to where it left off. I will note when this happens so you can hopefully follow it.

Also, because the conversation starts immediately, there’s no good opportunity to check out the thought we received at the end of the last Iori chapter. I’ll just do that right now:

Consider Buried UFO

(A giant UFO buried underground… Was it a premoniton? That’s crazy. Maybe Nat-chan’s getting to my head. Once she starts talking about UFOs, you’ll never hear the end of it. Gotta love her, though.)

And here's the rest of that conversation:

Pop quizzes suck.
Was your grade that bad, Usami-chan?
At my old school… We never had class on Saturdays.

Here, we can talk to Tomi.

Hm? What’s up, Iori?

Those formulas put me right to sleep.
So you got an F?
N-No! …It was close, though.
Don’t worry, Iori-chan. You’re good in other subjects.

And from here, we return to the old conversation… somewhat disjointedly, I might add. Just as a reminder, this line is in reference to Tomi talking about her old school not having class on Saturdays.

Really? That sounds wonderful.
Your grade wasn’t so hot either, Miwako.

I was going to study last night, but then I turned on the TV…

Here, we can talk to Miwako to interrupt the conversation again.


What were you watching?
A special on Halley’s comet. It’s coming next year.
Oh, I wanted to see that too!

A once-in-a-lifetime encounter… It feels so romantic.
Aaand that’s how you blew off your studies.

Return to the old conversation…

This school gives way too many tests. I thought it’d be easier here, not harder.
What school did you go to? It sounds quite different from ours.
Actually, it’s uhh… Y’know. Pretty similar.

It’s true!

Their hot dogs are SO. GOOD.
If we’re talking about meat… I could really go for some nikuman.
Oh yeah? Let’s get both!

Now, talk to Tomi. If we don’t, the conversation chain will loop from the beginning.


Gotta be hot dogs, right? They make ‘em fresh each day. Warm sausage wrapped in a slightly sweet bun…
Nikuman are amazing! Mmm… Every bite is a perfect balance of fluffy bun and juicy meat.

Choose Nikuman

Perfect time for nikuman!

It doesn’t actually matter what we pick here for reasons we’ll see shortly.

Eh, all right.

And so warm.
Time to taste-test!
*takes a bite* *squeals*

Feels great to bite into.
Good idea for a date. Just buy two of these… Stuff ‘em in your shirt, and bam! Instant Morimura.


*blushing* ……
Give it some thought!
You’d burn yourself.

Really great delivery on this Miwako line by Xanthe Huynh. A+ work.

Speaking of TV shows… I saw a real weird one the other night. It was from the Explorers series. What is that?

Talk to Tomi…

Hm? What’s up, Iori?

It’s a popular segment on Weird Wednesdays. Last week it was—
(dramatically) Terrible Tales of the Massive Mummy! The Amazon’s Underground Secret! I think that was the name.
*giggling* Yeah, something like that.
The mummy was so fake. Who believes that stuff? Wait, why do *you* know so much about it? Do you watch that show?
More like Nat-chan wouldn’t stop talking about it…

And return to the conversation…

Oh, that one.
I watched the whole damn thing… But it left me with more questions than answers.
Yeah, it’s always like that.
So you know it?
The boys in class were talking about it. I usually watch the music show in that timeslot.

Talk to Miwako…


Well…. Lately, I’ve been getting into idols.
Oh yeah, the one who looks like Amiguchi-kun?
Yes! And also… There’s a female idol I like a lot too. She’s so cute, and has a wonderful voice.
Oh, is she that really popular one?
Yes! She’s coming out with a record soon. Maybe I’ll buy it!

No points for guessing whoever that could possibly be.

Dang. You’re really into idols, huh?
You might like her too, Usami-chan.

Return to the conversation…

Old times? Really? These days, music is trending more towards pop. I think it’s pretty different from before.
Huh? Oh, right.
Are you pretty into music, Usami-chan?
Kinda. I’m more about singing than listening.
Wow! You can sing? What kinds of songs? I’m curious now.
Well, uh… It’s kinda hard to explain.
Is it foreign music?
Not exactly…
I don’t get it.
I can’t just say it doesn’t exist yet.
Er, nothing! Don’t worry about it!
(hurt) Why are you being like this?
Sorry, Miwako.

From here, the conversation goes in an interesting direction, by which I mean…

The best cure for the blues is good eats!
It’s true!

…it just repeats the food topic. Yeah, Tomi was serious when she suggested getting both nikuman and hot dogs!

Though this time we can talk to Miwako and get this line, the conversation is otherwise identical and I won’t bother transcribing it again.

Choose Hot Dogs

If you chose Hot Dogs before, it would have lead to the exact same new conversation, except now you probably want to choose Nikuman here. I suppose you could theoretically choose the same option twice and probably still progress the story, but there’s no reason to do that. In fact, if you skip getting one of these food items, you miss out on an ever-important PS4 trophy for eating them all.

Let’s eat hot dogs!

Let’s eat before it gets cold.

It’s chili sauce! Yum…

Gotta be mature to handle this stuff.
Usami-chan… You’ve got chili sauce all over your mouth.

Tomi quickly turns around to take care of it.

You look sleepy again. Are you doing okay?
I’m fine.
Something happen?
I told you, remember? Iori-chan collapsed in the science room.

I took her to the nurse’s office.
Oh yeah, you did tell me that.
I couldn’t believe it…
Yeah. Thanks for coming with me.
Gouto-senpai really saved the day…

I could hardly believe my eyes…
*That’s* the shocking part?

After this, the conversation starts from square one back at Tomi complaining about pop quizzes. But that’s irrelevant, because we’ve gained the thought needed to get out of this scene!

Consider Science Room

(Ever since that day… I can’t stop thinking about… him. Was it all just a dream?)

Music: Halcyon Days (Yoshimi Kudo)

Something wrong?
The door won’t open.

None of these seem to open the storage room.
Well, that’s a problem. What do we do with all the equipment?
I guess just leave it.
We can’t do that… Well… I guess I’ll get the key from the teacher’s lounge. You can go back to class, Kurabe-kun. I’ll take care of the rest.
Sorry about that.

Good job today.

But she talks like she’s my older sister.

This building is so old. And so… quiet… It’s kind of creepy.

Use Storage Key on Storage Room

Now I can put stuff away.

Music: Sneaking Suspicions (Kikuchi Yukinori)


You’re trying to surprise me, right?

No one’s here…

Music: The Sector Theorem (Kazuki Higashihara)

I’m so glad you’re okay, Iori-chan.
You were lying on the floor…
Completely unconscious. How do you feel?
Are you all right?


Music: Fancy Some Tea? (Composer: Azusa Chiba, Arranger: Yoshimi Kudo)

Um… I’m okay.

Gouto-senpai found you. He carried you all the way here.

Were you there too, Senpai?
I don’t know what you’re talking about. You had collapsed in the science room.
Huh!? The science room…?

Did you see any… weird flashing screens? Anything like that?
…No. There was nothing of the sort.

That’s all it was, I’m sure.
A dream…?

I saw it. The burning city from my dreams.
Another nightmare?
No. I was actually there.

It was just another dream.
A dream…? ……

There’s no way. It was real!

He was there… At the burning city…

It’s destroyed as far as the eye can see. Just like the place I saw in my dreams.

I see someone…

Oh! You’re—

Music: Cognitive Dissonance (Rikako Watanabe)

This is their first encounter, right? Gun to the face isn’t exactly a meet cute! …Though, if we only count scenes after Ei fully loses his memory, then their first actual meeting is the scene where she literally runs into him and accidentally—yeah, you know what? Let’s drop this line of inquiry.

Huh? Is that… a gun?
Who are you?

I know that much.
Huh? How do you—
Who ordered you to come here?
Ordered? I just saw a flash in the science room… And the next thing I new I was here. Wherever this is…
You really don’t know?

In the year 2065.

She must be one of the fifteen. And that’s not all. She *unlocked* the gate. A locked gate can only be opened with Morimura’s ID. It’s as I suspected… Iori Fuyusaka is the real Chihiro Morimura.

…Okay, let’s pause for a moment, because I’m putting some things together. Not Iori being Morimura, the ship has looooong sailed on that one. But remember Ryoko’s story? How they couldn’t follow Ei-slash-426 because the gate was locked? That must be what Ei is referring to. Iori managed to unlock the gate and follow Ei because she’s Morimura! But then… why didn’t Morimura just unlock it? Hmm… I dunno if this is all that important, but it’s an interesting connection anyway.


Music: IMMINENT (Yoshimi Kudo)

From the kaiju movies?
Not a bad comparison. But this one’s a machine.

Hellbent on destroying the world… Before long… They’ll take over our very own town…

D-Don’t get the wrong idea… I saw it in a dream.

That monster was wrecking the city… And it was coming for me. I ran for my life… There were other dreams, too. People talking about monsters.

My dreams have been so strange lately. So I’ve been thinking… Maybe they’re premonitions.
What are your other dreams like?

Consider Monster Dreams

(That’s right… We lost the fight and ran away. A monster was chasing us… And the person with me was… …… Gouto-senpai… When did I get so obsessed with boys? They keep showing up in my dreams…)

Use Buried UFO

I wound up underground inside a big UFO. In another one, I escaped to the past all by myself… Were those… all real?
…Morimura told me the same stories. Dreams, huh.


Ei shoots the drone as it flies away. It can be heard smashing to the ground from offscreen.

Huh? Um, okay!

The screen zooms into the Sentinel’s “face,” and for a second everything is white…

Yes. It had been taken over by the Deimos.
I suppose it’s risky to send units out autonomously. I’ll restore manual control to No. 8. Go ahead and shut it down for now.
By the way, we had a surprise visitor. Ei Sekigahara.
He’s in this sector?
Unfortunately, he got away. And not only that…

She’s a student from Sector 4.
Could he have brought her here? She looks familiar. Same class as Kisaragi, I believe.
In any case… Bring her back.

“Iori Who Lept Through Time”. Heh, cute.

And Gouto is unlocked, fucking finally. Honestly, given that he’s mostly acted as a semi-antagonist in the few scenes he’s appeared in, it’s gonna be interesting to see just what his story *is*.

Not much new information there.